The Latest from the Coalition
On this page you can find the latest news from the Coalition, including stories of restoration successes, profiles of ongoing clean water issues, policy updates, and press releases.
Lake Sturgeon Monitoring in Lower Niagara River Ensures Fish Recover
State-of-the-art monitoring technology ensures stable, healthy population growth and recovery for threatened lake sturgeon.
Duluth Slip Project Caps 150,000 Cubic Yards of Contaminated Riverbed
Capping contaminated soil in the St. Louis River and harbor to Lake Superior prevents toxic pollution from spreading and harming fish, wildlife, and people.
Griswold Creek Restoration Restores Floodplain, Reduces Erosion, and Improves Native Plant Diversity
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative has helped reconnect the Griswold Creek in Chesterland, OH, to its natural floodplain, reducing erosion and improving habitat.
Planting Trees Provides Shade, Water Management
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative has helped fund the replacement of hundreds of trees in the Chicago area that were destroyed by the Emerald ash borer.
Replacing Risky Dam with Natural Rapids in Frankenmuth, Mich., Opens up Fish Habitat
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative has funded a project in Frankenmuth, MI, upgrading the Cass River Dam and allowing spawning access to local fish such as Walleye and Lake Sturgeon.
Removing Invasive Phragmites Improves Presque Isle Habitat
Removing phragmites and other invasive plants has allowed native plant communities to recover, restoring healthy habitat.
Replacing a Culvert Improves Brook Trout Habitat in Pennsylvania
Replacing a culvert, stabilizing a road and restoring fish habitat allowed for fish passage in a small stream that eventually feeds into Lake Ontario.
Restoring Land Surrounding Duncan Bay Improves Coastal Habitat
Purchasing and restoring 317 acres of land surrounding Duncan Bay improved aquatic habitat and fostered outdoor recreational opportunities.