The Latest from the Coalition
On this page you can find the latest news from the Coalition, including stories of restoration successes, profiles of ongoing clean water issues, policy updates, and press releases.
Creek Restoration in Ohio Helps Lake Erie, Golf Course
Stabilizing Ward Creek’s shoreline with native plants reduces erosion and sediment build-up in Lake Erie, while improving the golf experience.
Removing Invasive Plants Enhances Habitat for Birds and Pollinators
Invasive plants were removed from Buffalo, N.Y. and replaced with native plants to support migratory birds and pollinators.
Huron River Restoration Brings Community Back to the River
Restoring habitat and removing dams along the Huron River has restored its ecological health and expanded recreational opportunities.
River Restoration in Minnesota Repairs Stream Banks Reduces Sediment Load
Erosive stream banks on the Knife River were restored by reducing the stress from water flowing into the bank, decreasing sedimentation in the Knife River.
Duluth Stream Corps Restores Shorelines Reduces Sedimentation and Pollution
Streamside property in Duluth was naturalized, resulting in 22 miles of restored stream shores and improved water and habitat quality.
Beach Restoration along Lake Michigan Reduces Pollution
Planting dune grasses and putting down new sand has helped three beaches in the Door Peninsula of Wisconsin reduce stormwater runoff into Lake Michigan.
Beach restoration in Wisconsin reduces pollution in Lake Michigan
Planting dune grasses, adding new sand, and reshaping six beaches around Wisconsin’s Door County have helped reduce polluted runoff into Lake Michigan.
Metropark Cooperative Targets Invasive Species Improving Native Habitat
Cleveland-area parks collaborated with each other to remove invasive plants, shrubs, and reeds, allowing native species to return.